Yellow flower power

Yellow flower power to boost your day!

Last Saturday was exceptionally warm day, temperature was 27 C (80,6 F). Somehow my mind connected to yellow and I decided to find some yellow flowers. I walk along the cottage road I found five yellow flowers: Common Hawkweeds, Yellow Toadflax, Tansy, Goldenrod and Yellow Loosestrife.

Common Hawkweeds / Hieracium Vulgata / Ahokeltano, Lohja Finland
Common Hawkweeds / Hieracium Vulgata / Ahokeltano
Yellow Toadflax / Linaria vulgaris / Kannusruoho, Lohja Finland
Yellow Toadflax / Linaria vulgaris / Kannusruoho
Tansy / Tanacetum vulgare / Pietaryrtti, Lohja Finland
Tansy / Tanacetum vulgare / Pietaryrtti
Goldenrod / Solidago virgaurea / Kultapiisku, Lohja Finland
Goldenrod / Solidago virgaurea / Kultapiisku
Yellow Loosestrife / Lysimachia vulgaris / Ranta-alpi, Lohja Finland
Yellow Loosestrife / Lysimachia vulgaris / Ranta-alpi

Color Psychology Characteristics of Yellow 

Do you like yellow color or is it NO NO for you? How about yellow flowers?

When I was younger, I didn’t like yellow and red. Nowadays yellow as well as red gives me energy, but I am having it only in small amounts around me.

Here is info of yellow color and how it effects us:

Attention-grabbing: Since yellow is the most visible color, it is also the most attention-getting color. Yellow can be used in a small amount to draw notice, such as on traffic signs or advertisements.

Difficult to read: Yellow is also the most fatiguing to the eye due to the high amount of light that is reflected. Using yellow as a background on paper or computer monitors can lead to eyestrain or vision loss in extreme cases.

Energetic: Yellow can increase metabolism.

Frustration: Yellow can also create feelings of frustration and anger. While it is considered a cheerful color, people are more likely to lose their tempers in yellow rooms and babies tend to cry more in yellow rooms.

Warm: Yellow is a bright color that is often described as cheery and warm.

If you are interested in color psychology, read more HERE .

I have also posted earlier Residents of summer flowers, in which you can find some summer flowers with their residents.

Thank you for reading my blog! I wish you energetic August day 🌼

Minna from Finnish Nature photos 😊

28 replies to “Yellow flower power

  1. That’s interesting about colours. I have an aversion to the combination of red and yellow although not so much in Nature. I have a lot of yellow flowers ad some that are yellow and red. They are very cheerful but would not be my first choice. I prefer muted colours….mauve, blue.


    1. I used to have the same that yellow and red were not my favorite colors. Now I used them regularly when f.e painting.

      I have changed a lot during the ten past years and my color palette has changed from blue, black, grey to yellow, green and even red :O


  2. I’ve never really had a preference for colors. I do tend to wear more neutral shades such as gray or brown but that’s my personality. 🙂 I suppose I respond to different colors differently but can’t say if I do and when so if I do it has to be deeply subconscious. Yellow is the most difficult color to capture without overexposing in bright sun as most often it is a bit waxy and reflective.

    Although Tansy is non-native here and considered by some to be invasive, I myself am a fan and always enjoy seeing it and sometimes photographing it. Here is one example from my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have found out that nowadays I need colors around me. Still some ten years ago all my clothes were dark blue, black and grey. When I paint I use very bright colors including yellow. I think the change is connected to an accident that changed my attitude to life.

      Your Tansy photos are great. You probably have photographed them with a macro lens. I have to buy more lenses as now I only have two 😦

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yellow is cheering color and as you said yellow pillows on a grey sofa looks really great. I agree with you regarding yellow flowers! They give me positive energy 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yellow has been my favourite colour since I was a child. And I love yellow flowers. I have some on my property. I think they might be hawkweeds. I have a lot of dandelions in the Spring, and some other yellow flowers whose names I don’t know. It’s interesting that people lose their tempers more in yellow rooms. Yellow always makes me smile. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For me Dandelions is the sign of approaching Summer. I let them grow as they give nectar to bees and butterflies. It is interesting why some people react negatively to certain color, like yellow. Me yellow cheer up when it is used in small amounts and makes me smile too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A wonderful burst of sunshine with your yellow flowers, Minna! Interesting post on the color of yellow too, and the link to other colors. Red is my favorite color, with yellow close behind! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting!
    The color link was broken when I tried it. But I studied the topic of color psychology at University, so I think I remember from all those years ago the importance of color upon the psyche 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kate, thank you for letting me know that link is broken. I have fixed it now and it should work (hopefully). Colors effect us eventhough we wouldn´t realize it. I need colors in my life, otherwise I feel myself somehow lost.

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      1. I follow several gardeners on both Twitter and WordPress. I noticed there’s a fine line between plant appreciation and plant obsession. Many gardeners go overboard wanting to have some of everything, which can have an unintended & undesirable end result. It’s never about too much texture – it’s always about too much color – combined with just too many plants vying for livable space.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and I am really glad that you liked my Yellow flower power post 🙂 Yellow is also one of my favorites. Happy blogging 🙂

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  6. It is currently warmer in Finland than Tasmania but it is winter here. Your yellow flowers brightened my day as it is raining today with no sun. Thanks for visiting my blog, cheers.


    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and I am glad that my yellow flowers brightened your day. Today the weather forecast has promised 25 C which is nice. We are heading towards autumn, soon it will be dark here 😩

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I love yellow during the summertime. I cannot get enough sunflowers! I love yellow daisies, too. This is a fun photography idea which is to hunt for a just one color. I did this once during fall, I looked for orange and brown colors only to take pictures off. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds great idea👍 BTW I noticed that the amount of yellow flowers, at least where I live, is bigger than the other wild flowers! Or may be have paid more attention to yellow because of my yellow flower hunt 😂

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